2024 Summer of Conferencing…

As always the summer seems to be for traveling, conferencing, and networking. I attended INOGS (International Network of Genocide Scholars) this year in LA and had a wonderful time connecting with new people. I also attended ISBL, and with the help of Alexiana, we put on two FSR pop up events that incorporated the Netherlands in unique ways. At ISBL2024 I also gave a presentation on Amalek at the ICJ, and I got to see some new places like Basel, Zurich, and CPH.

Now begins the race to finish up 4 ongoing writing projects before classes start. They are so close to the finish line!

FSR pop up on genocide at ICC and the ICJ. Free drinks 🍹 and good conversation!

Alexiana and I with our wonderful guest speaker, Lucy Gaynor!

FSR hosted a pop up event with PIC in the Red Light district. Lots of discussion afterwards!

presenting new research at ISBL 2024

We made it in the ISBL booklet!

INoGS reception!


BU CURA 2024-2025 Religion and Global Affairs Fellows
